I'm back. Need more be said? I implore thee. All of thee and one computer extra. And any pets that you may own. Long has my absence been, and in that time, the online kingdom has run rampant. Why I was gone? Ye asketh of me? Tall, dark, and terrible am I, webmaster of many online provinces, and you question me? Speak now! Speak quickly! The comments inbox is a beast, a behemoth, a leviathan, its jaws drawn wide. It begs your comments! It chews them slowly and digestith them it do. Now! Before Those-Who-Walk-In-The-Night are sent! They will find you, and they will force respect upon ye! Lo! The Shadow-People are loose and the dogs of Hell and War have been unleashed! The four horsemen, famine, war, pain, and death itself are out! The online kingdom shall tremble and quake in fear, and all shall respect the long-gone webmaster. I, the ruler of this fine faction, do decree this. Amen.
*long silence*
*webmaster chuckles*
run program:[thethuthinnang+deathwriter_respect_]
=latest respect software downloaded and installed