Wednesday, November 22, 2006

No. 20, Vol.1- For British Eyes Only

This is the British library. AKA where I'm supposed to live. The place is huge! Gigantic! The architecture is awesome.

"The British Library Philatelic Collections are the National Philatelic Collections of the United Kingdom. The Collections were established in 1891 with the donation of the Tapling Collection, they steadily developed and now comprise over twenty five major collections and a number of smaller ones, encompassing a wide-range of disciplines. The collections include postage and revenue stamps, postal stationery, essays, proofs, covers and entries, 'cinderella stamp' material, specimen issues, airmails, some postal history materials, official and private posts, etc., for almost all countries and periods.

An extensive display of material from the collections is on exhibit and is probably the best permanent display of diverse classic stamps and philatelic material in the world. Approximately 80,000 items on 6,000 sheets may be viewed in 1,000 display frames; 2,400 sheets are from the Tapling Collection. All other material, which covers the whole world, is available to students and researchers by appointment.

As well as these extensive collections, the subject literature is very actively acquired, and makes the British Library one of the world's prime philatelic research centres."

That's from Wikipedia.


pageknight said...


Anna said...

Hello to you to. I have no inkling why I choose to respond to all new posts. And I should be in Germany. I wish. Germany rocks. It even held the Fifa World Cup where it placed 3rd. This is in soccer. :)

pageknight said...

I know.

Anna said...
