*sigh* go to http://www.emusic.com/album/10964/10964372.html . I think you can listen to the song, but I'm not sure. *sigh* Winter is awesome. But there is no snow out here. *sigh*
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PageKnights is a book-reading blog dead-set on reviewing books, sharing books, ocasionally sharing movies, and just rockin' the online world.
*sigh* *sigh* *sigh* Aparently Life's not fair. *sigh*
Page Not Found is a I got.
I found it, but oh well.
I found yet another error in your profile. Please do not put anything in the sentence aubout what JRR Tolkien wrote unless it is something he wrote. Somehow I don't think he wrote anything called "If you wish to know more" or "Google my name."
:) You are good, thing!! I have to say this though: You spelled about, aubout. But this is a very rare occurrence, unlike pageknight's profile.
And I did eventually find the page. I just forgot to say I did. That wasn't much of 'a' song. :D
I mean the song you gave the address for was many songs. In case you didn't understand.
You are also missing spaces around the parentheses (and I don't care if I spelled that wrong).
*groans* Fix your profile, pageknight, before thing goes mad!!!
You also need to capitalize the 'T' in 'The Hobbit.'
And you need a colon after the word 'stories.'
hello pageknight, this is sir sam tellin you that winter is awsome here. apparently life isnt fair
sirsam! Finally!! You're back! Tell D+D to come on!
why do you people slander the headmaster of this forum?
Ask yourself. Hi sirsam.
Yes. Hello, sirsam.
Pageknight, fix your profile. Right now.
Signing on. I have to post something.
I have to post something to sign on.
Okay. That's odd.
Random information on "magick" (that might not even be true, but...):
The number 11 is important because the letter K is the eleventh letter in several alphabets.
That's all I know. It's from Wikipedia, so it might not be true, but it's interesting anyway.
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