Pirates! The word that captivated millions of people in that age. Many pirates started as people in debt and went to sea to get rich. Many people think being on a pirate ship would be fun.
It was actually a living nightmare. Cruel punishments, cramped quarters, almost always there was a mean, cold-hearted captain. To boot, if you got captured, you would be hanged.
These criminals would often fly the jolly roger, and if the quarry would not back down, the pirates would fire cannon, and then throw grappling hooks to pull in the other ship. then they would attack, killing all except for the most important passengers. These they would use as hostages. The pirates would run off and spend the gold and valuables. Only Captain Kidd buried his treasure, but he soon recovered it. Oh yeah, on a book note, usually only the captain could read to go over charts and maps.
A good book I read that had pirates in it was 'Peter and the Star Catchers' By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. It is pretty much the story of what happened before Peter (Pan) learned to fly and before he came to Neverland. Practically just everything in 'Peter Pan' I enjoyed it and it was not a difficult book at all to comprehend and I advise it to anyone who has ever wondered what happened before the story.(And others who did not.)
Practically just everything before 'Peter Pan'. Sorry!
Interesting. A good book with pirates. I have had no such luck. I have read several good books, though.
It is good. Not an absolutly amazing, wow book, but good.
I got a little ways through it, but I got started on another book.
It was good enough to finish!!! Why did you stop reading it? I admit I have stopped reading Tom Sawyer for a while because of another book, but that book is boring. And I have read it before. I think I misspelled Sawyer, but who cares.
My sister hates that book. Tom Sawyer, I mean. She will not read Huckleberry Finn because it's written by the same auther. It's sad.
I do not love that book either. It is too realistic for me. I like fantasy and realistic books that have adventure.
I like mystery. Mostly Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes. Speaking of SH, I am playing a computer game of a murder mystery as Holmes and Watson. I am currenty stuck on the first quiz.
What is the question(s)? The ones you are stuck on I mean.
Oh, I passed that. It's information on the case. My dad figured it out. Actually, we were guessing and happened to find the correct answer. The question was: "Was the side door to kitchen open after the shot?" Horrible question.
Lucky Guess! I sometimes do that too. I take out the ones I know are not possible and guess on the rest. It is an enjoyable pastime! Even though it isn’t much of a pastime.
Yeah, I know. I was trying every possibility because I wasn't in the mood to check, but I got bored. I got no where near the answer. "It was not opened and I know this because Satherwaite (or how ever you spell that) said it was blocked."
I will pretend I know what you mean. I haven't read those books.
I've only read The Hound of the Baskervilles (a novel), The Mysterious Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (a collection of short stories) and one other short story, The Adventure of the Speckelled Band.
I would like to read The Hound of the Baskervilles. I have heard it is good. Is it?
yes, it is. I love that book. If you do read it (and again, you can borrow my copy if you need to) don't give up on it. Read the whole thing.
I only give up a book if it is REALLY boring, or is obnoxious.
It's not obnoxious, but I did give up on it once. I read the whole thing this past year, though.
I didn't mean the story was obnoxious. I meant that I only give up a book (not meaning a certain book) if it is really boring or obnoxious. You probably already knew that though.
I am ditching the picture!!!
Yes, I knew that.
I have read a good book with pirates. The Princess Bride! How could I have forgotten that?
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