How many of us like Eyewitness? Or any non-fiction book for that matter? Oh well. Post a comment if you do. Sorry i didn't post earlier. Did you know that most people in the viking age couldn't read? This is why monks spent so much time making them. Of course, they would make the books ,with values of over $500 nowadays, then the vikings would come to pick them up.
These books were often written in Latin.
Anyway some guy came up with an easier language, and gradually people learned to read. To make a long story short, nowadays everyone reads cause they can.
I think monks are COOL! They were the smart people, who knew how to read and write, unlike everyone else. Of course you probably knew that.
Hey deathwriter, thanks for posting frequently.
You're Welcome, pageknight. It was quite fun actually. I had nothing to do but this. I am sorry I didn't post quickly. My mom messed up the Internet access.
I knew that. Don't expect me not to. And while we're on the subject of knowing things, did you know there was a scientist who sudied music, and then came up with the theory that space is filled with music? Did you know that if you see an equasion in a science magazine (I think they said the Physisist, or something like that) that is a quarter of a page long you should ignore it because it is incorecct? Just a few thing I found out in the 9 pages I read of the BIG BANG (a non-fiction book, if you were wondering).
Yes thing, people like us know everything (every moment of everday).it is interesting they messed up in a science book. My French Horn teacher and I noticed they put wrong fingerings for high D. They put open instead of vaulve 1 + 2. I think it was that. My mom met our principal! My mom said he was nice. He showed her the science labs. And he says that he hopes the advanced teachers are going to teach well and challange us instead of just giving us lots of homework. I hope so too.
They didn't mess up in a science book. The book simply has information on different people's theories.
The magazine is called the Physical Review, by the way.
Ok. I misunderstood you then. Sorry!
That's okay.
The book is really interesting. It just showed how people figured out the circumfrince of Earth, the diameter of the moon and the sun and the distance between Earth and the moon and sun.
Cool!! I should read it sometime.
Yes, you should.
I just need to find a copy of it.
Yes. You could borrow my copy, but then you'd have to wait until I'm finished with it.
I will search all bookstores for a copy till I will have it!! MWWaaahhahhaaHAaaaaa!
You do that
Ok. I will. (Mayhaps!!)
:K *laughter (kinda evil.. wait.. yeah.. it's evil.)*
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