Hi. I bet you're on here because you have nothing crater to do! Any way, my sun ran away (and I've lost my moons) so I thought I'd write about it. At the sci-fi hall of fame, there are four top classics. In 4th we have 2001, A Space Odyssey. In a close 3rd we have Star Trek. 2nd is Star Wars. I know what you all are thinking. "What on Earth (or anywhere in the galaxies far, far away) could be better than Star Wars? Star Search, of course!
This absolutely wonderful play goes past the wild blue yonder. Critics call it "A cute little musical" "Two thumbs up!" and "An instant (ancient) classic!!" All the tickets were sold out for the special showing of the play at SHS. Directed by none other than star and director Mrs. Wylie. (Chop Suey, Chop Suey 2- Return of the Chops) and Mrs. Wilson, singing extraordinair (She sang "Hello, Mrs. Wilson").
The story is that of the planets who have lost their sun, ( He decided to take a vacation) and who could forget the moons who have lost their planets (starring 2 of our very own pageknights, Deathwriter and sirsam).
The musical left the audience agog. It included a guest feature by Mrs. Ramey singing "Its Such a Pleasure to Meet You", winner of 2 Grammpy awards. Other hits included in this play are "Solar Introductions", "Sunny Side Up", "Follow the Sun", and hit single, " In My Own Little Space (I can be forever)" .
Also, another one of our pageknights had leading roll in the play(Earth). She sang a solo in hits, "Its Such a Pleasure to You" and "Follow the Sun". This play is rated PG for mild violence (Earth hitting Mars) language, (Earth Moon, Deathwriter, using words such as crater and yonder.) (GASP!) and thematic elements (those totally groovy headdresses).
That is just really, REALLY, mean....(though I have got to say it is funny too.)
(The post was deleted because I pressed the button 2 times!)
I sincerely hope none of our choir teachers see this. That would be a major disaster. That is if we ever see them again. (I hope we don't!)
I agree, but I don't think they will.
I do not either, but still, it would be a nightmare.
Yes, it would be.
Now I hope they see it.
Why? Is it because I think it would be a nightmare?
No. I think it would be fun because they would be REALLY madd at us, but they do not know who it is doing this. Get it? We can annoy them all we want andwe cannot get in trouble. :K
True, very true. Hey, now you've even got me convinced. Maybe you can use your powers of persuasion for some thing more useful than this.
GOOD IDEA!!!! I can peswade pageknight into giving the site to us. YEAY!! I have decided becoming a lawyer would do me well
Spelling errors on my other post: madd=mad
andwe= and we
Thank you and have a good day!
YES! That's a great idea Deathwriter! Maybe it will actually work!
And I agree. Being a lawyer would do you well.
Guess what? I still have my sticker from archery! It came off my shirt today, but I still have it.
My mom wants to know if you want to go to the Dayton Art Institute on the 31 at 7:00 to hear flute and harp music.
I hope my idea will work!!!! I can work at where my dad works! Yes!! that would be awkward.
And to answer your question I am able to go to the Art Institute on the 31st to hear music!! Yeay! And that is going to be a great day because we are getting our class lists on that day. And THAT means we can see if we have the same classes on the very day we get them!! Hurray!
And how on earth do you still have your sticker? Mine came off the same day I got it. :(
I don't know, Deathwriter. By some insane miricle act, it stayed on my shirt until now.
Yes! I hope we have at least SOME classes together. I have a friend that I have known since the first grade, and we have never been in the same class.
Did I mention that the flute soloist is my flute teacher? I know I didn't, so now you know!
Good goodness! you people almost took over this post!
We did take over the post! High Inquisitors or whatever you want to call us don't say they are going to do something and not do it. Especially if the people are us.
Gee, pageknight! I thought you knew that!!! We are very accomplished people you know.
And thing, it rocks that your flute teacher is doing a solo in the concert. My French Horn teacher is in college. She is amazing on the French Horn. (That is what little I have heard.)
That's nice. My teacher is being the flute soloist, and yours is very good at the French Horn. It is good that they can play their instraments well. Can you tell I have nothing to say? I just feel like saying something, so I am.
Yes thing, sometimes rabbling about random things is the only option available. Sometimes not, but we choose to anyway.
I don't rabble. I ramble. There's a difference.
Well, Deathwriter, I came on, so you didn't take over.
I hate being ignored. And we did take over, if you still hadn't noticed.
It is quite obvious. Just quietly look at your surroundings.We took over the site.
And I rabble. Rabbling is quite cool. you should try it thing!
Okay, I think I will!
Listen, if I'm still on, you haven't taken over.
We have so!
Yes we have! We rule! It doesn't matter if you are still here! We still rule. When someone takes over a place they either kill the former person or humiliate the person by making them work for the new rulers. Since we are kind (and it is impossible to kill someone on a site) we decided to use you as a form of entertainment! Though you aren't that great at doing it.
Ta, Ta for now!
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