Everyone needs a little jolly. Jolly Robert that is. If you haven't seen it, go to www.jollyrobert.blogspot.com. Jolly Robert is merely there to humor you. If you haven't, please read the article star search! Gooodbyyyyyyyyyye!!!!
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Interesting blog. How is the Golden State, pageknight? Oh and for the 1,000,000th time, that star search thing is just plain MEAN!!!! At least I never have to think about it again.....if you people stop reminding me that is.
Yes, I agree, Deathwriter, it is just plain mean.
Also, I would like to complain about one of those posts on the Jolly Robert site. Hola Is never spelled with two h's, either one or none.
Okay, I hope this doesn't get too long, but I would like to suggest a book on here (makes sense, right?). The book is called WATERSHIP DOWN and it is written by Richard Adams. It was one of the books I mentioned once, but no one seemed to care. I suppose you could say it is about rabbits, but those are only the characters. It is the story of Cassandra (the prophetess, formerly priestess of Apollo) and a great book. You don't have to know the story of Cassandra and Agamemnon to understand it, and you don't have to read it, but I suggest it to anyone who cares.
I TOTALLY understand what Thethuthinnang means! And I agree that Watership Down would have been a great book to read in pageknights. I find some people don’t read books when the main characters and supporting characters are animals. Like the Warriors cat series. I have also noticed most people expect I read books with cats in them because I love cats. I do love cats, but that is not the reason for me reading those books. Does it even matter a bit that the characters are animals? Mayhaps a little, but I believe it just matters how well the story is wrote or if the plot is to your liking. And I wish those people would see behind the animals whether they are cute bunnies, fearsome warrior cats, OR humans for that matter!
Oh, and a note to Thethuthinnang: Hola is only spelled with an h. Only is it spelled ola by incorrect persons, though it is pronounced that way. (Do you happen to go by Flighty at all, Thethuthinnang?)
My lecture is now over. Thank you, and you may now return to your previous doings!
Oh. I suppoose I was misinformed. Someone told me it could be spelled like that, unless it was just my imangination. (I only spell it with an h anyway, so it doesn't really matter).
Do you think anyone else is looking here, or is it just us?
You are COMPLETELY correct on the main character/good plot thing, only it doesn't matter at all if the charachters are human or not. It also does not matter who the auther is. I personally do not like books with too much physical fighting (or bad words), but I absolutely love ENDER'S GAME.
Oh, and Deathwriter? Only you can call me Flighty, alright?
To answer your 1st question I do believe we are the only ones on this site. Or if we are not, we are the only people who reply to anything besides 'Eye of the Liger'
The Warriors Series does have fighting, but not a lot. And it has NO bad words what so ever. I have to say I do enjoy books with wars in them though. I am not sure why. Must just be my nature. : k I do agree with you about curse words in books. I think it is unnecessary to have them unless that is the type of character you have. And in those circumstances I like them referred to like 'She cursed herself’ or something like that, rather then the words themselves.
And I know that only I (and a few hand-picked individuals) can call you that. Hopefully know one here (the site) gets the wrong idea. But hey, how would anyone ge a bad idea in a post they never read! *sighs contently* Sometimes there are good things about being the only people here.
No offense and a thousand apologies but, thethuthinnang, do you live in Springboro Ohio?
Isn't that a stupid question? Well I guess it isn't if you didn't hear Deathwriter and me coming up with clever ideas to get away from the meetings without being noticed (they all seemed to involve walking to one of our houses), or if you didn't know that "937-748" (I'm not entirely sure which one) refers to Springboro (I happen to know that my flute case has my phone number on it).
It seems we are not alone after all. Sad.
Yes, I do agree thing. Quite sad at that. I guess we will have to stop being insane. *tear of ice* Oh, and pageknight, don't ask. Inside joke you might say.
Why are you calling me "thing?" Or are you calling something else "thing?" Or was "thing" just a typo? (Oh and it IS an inside joke, or, at least, that's what people tend to call them.)
Because you need help posting and I am not really in the mood to come up with a password (and I'm not really sure if I'm allowed to sign up), I am posting this here.
I just found this. Go to your profile page and click on help. Then click on Posting and Editing under Blogger Basics. Then click on How do I post to my blog? It should be pretty clear from then on.
You are my hero, thing!!!!! I am calling you thing 'cause I always forget thethuthinang. I will probably post something thanking you on my blog. That is all I can think of to post. Keep checking my blog!!!!! I am very happy now! I might never do it but, that's fine, right?
I am deadly sorry, thing. I spelled your real name wrong. It is thethuthinnang not thethuthinang. And something is wrong with the post thing. It does not show my blog in the blog chart thing. (Not referring to you) So I cannot thank you yet since I cannot yet post.
Oh, that's fine. You don't have to thank me, Ginny (yes, I am calling you Ginny, but I am contemplating calling you Ginevra).
Okay, now that I'm done making fun of you, Deathwriter, that story sounded slightly interesting. Not that I would have time to read it (and not that I want to), but it does sound interesting.
Oh don't worry, deathwriter, we're all isnsane on this blog. (well, we all are insane to different levels.) Deathwriter is insane to the highest degree. By the way, check on Jolly Robert, and, there is bum-butta bum, a new blog all for the decrees of exceptionaly crazy pageknights. http://www.orderof.blogspot.com/ Why do I have the feeling that is getting old?
Deathwriter, you have a blog? What is the http://. .blogspot.com adress?
It's www.dragon-wings.blogspot.com. Do I remember mentioning that on Eye of the Liger, or am I imagining things.
Ha! "Things!"
Oh thanks a bunch, pageknight. It makes me so happy to be called insane. Though I must admit it is true. And you have a feeling that bum-butta bum is getting old because, well, I hate to say it (Actually I find great joy in telling you) but, it is getting old. I mean REALLY old.
And I am sad because the blog thing doesn't let me post on my site. WHHHHAAAAAA!!!! *tear of ice* (That is getting old too)
Thank you thing for covering me while I was gone. We must keep SOME kind of order here.
Yes, the *tear of ice* thing is getting old. And yes, the bum-butta bum is, too.
I also love being called insane, but I never am. *sigh*
Thing, you are insane. (Happy?) I think you are not called insane because you are not always insane. I believe being insane takes practice and patience. Unless your insanity comes naturally. Like ME!!!!
Thank you Deathwriter! I was so pleased I decided not to call you Ginny. I wonder if you have to go to the Cliffs of Insanity (is that supposed to be capitalized) to be insane. I mean REALLY insane. More insane than you.
I don't know. *thinks* Well, if you do, tell me. I'd be happy to go along. Maybe on the way I can get some iocane powder. :)
Yes, but first we should spend most of the year becoming immune.
My sister thinks we're crazy, by the way. She just walked away, laughing.
I am glad she thinks us crazy! It is almost as good as being called insane!!!!! :D But, we will want the iocane powder first so we can become immune to it. Though I do suggest we start on less deadly potions. I cannot wait!!!!
Iocane powder isn't a potion. it's a poison. But yes, I think we should. Maybe as soon as we leave the Cliffs of Insanity (or just before, I don't really care which),we should visit the Zoo of Death. We should be sure to go in the right door, though, to avoid almost certain (and very painful) death.
I'm still wondering if you mean potion or poison.
I meant poison. It was a typo. I think I spelled it like posoin and potion was a suggestion on Microsoft.
And I think we should go first to the Cliffs of Insanity, and then stay in an inn. And then on the next day we should visit The Zoo of Death. (Using the right door, of course) And in case one of us forgets we can visit Miracle Max's Cottage. (I think it is called that.)
Yeah, something like that. Maybe we can go to the fire swamp while we're in the area. I really hope we don't go to Guilder and then Florin and back again. The Cliffs of Insanity and the fire swamp are in Guilder, while the Zoo of Death and Miricle Max's Cottage are in Florin. It sounds like a nice trip, though.
What do you mean bum butta bum is getting old? I've used it twice for goodness sake!
It just is.
I agree with thing. It just is WAY too old. I hope we run into a few rodents of unusual size in the fire swamp. I have always wanted to see them!
Rodents? Fire swamp?
Deathwriter, don't forget about your blog. (I might have to take it over)
And what on earth do you mean, The Cliffs of Insanity, and the fire swamp, and the Guilder, and the Zoo of Death, and Miricle Max's Cottage, and Florin?
You don't know THE PRINCESS BRIDE? You started a book club and you don't know anything about this book (and movie)? Sad. Very sad.
Yes Deathwriter, I would also like to see at least one R.O.U.S. That would be fun. We might even manage to avoid the Snow Sand. I'd rather not be suffocated by sand, or any thing else, for that matter.
I do not care if you take over my blog. I cannot post anything on it. I plan to make a better one. And gee, who doesn't know about Princess Bride? It is brilliant!
And we need to dance through the fire swamp. Remember? So we don't get burnt. We have to vist the snow sand though. I want to stick something in it.
And if oyu are good pageknight, we might get you a souviner! Maybe a R.O.U.S. Consider yourself lucky.
*You not oyu
Yes! We shall dance through the fire swamp and then we should go to the fisherman's village. Just remember: he's only mostly dead! (And don't forget to coat it in chocolate so it goes down easier.) I wonder if Max's wife will enter the same way she has in the past. ("I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!")
Ohhhhh! The princess bride! I saw that on TV at my grandparents's house.
Footnote* I saw a little piece of Princess Bride. (The Ending)
How long? Just when they ride off on the four whites (the white horses), or the scene where Westly is tourturing Prince Humperdink? I have no idea if I spelled that right, so feel free to correct me if I didn't.
I have no idea how to spell it either. I like the sword dude who avenges his father. He is awesome! I hope we can meet him! I think Max's wife will still be the same.
I need to post twice so I can get 42!
I am going to not be able to post this weekend. Just reminding you. Starting tomorrow.
Yeah. Inigo Montoya. And Fezzik. You can't forget Fezzik. (He's the rhyming giant who can't make his own decisions if you were wondering.)
Two things, the part where they are torturing him, and deathwriter! I Have to talk a whole week with just thing?! My goodness!! I do believe I'll just post articles!
It's a week-END, and you do not have my permission to call me thing. Only Deathwriter can call me that.
Oh, so I'm supposed to remember your huge name?
Yes. I will not tolerate it if you call me thing or Flighty. Only Deathwriter can call me thing. Flighty, on the other hand, is for only some people to call me. And you are not one of them.
Yes! Thing is my name for her and Flighty is only for a specialty selected few. Including me. Not you!!! Sorry!!! :) And I do remember Fezzik!!! Inigo Montoya is my hero!! Not really but that's all right!!
You can't make me not call you thing.
I can make you call not me thing, and I will!
Reading Decree # 199
By Order of the NEW (that's us) leaders of the pageknights:
Anyone other than Deathwriter that calls me thing shall be highly punished.
Signed, Nildro-hain (my name for signing decrees)
I like Inigo, too! Fezzik is cool! He makes rhymes at random moments of panic! Okay, random hyper moment over. The other guy, Vizzini, was evil. Not as evil as Prince Humperdink, but still.
Yeah right, the "new" leaders.
I just needed something to call us, and 'High Inquisitors' didn't appeal to me at the time.
I finished Watership Down DAYS ago. I forgot to tell you. Nildro-hain!! Good one. And you, pageknight, cannot stop thing and I from calling ourselves the rulers.
So, you finished it? Did you like it? Wait, that's a stupid question. Of course you liked it. And thank you. Nildro-hain is a better name, I think, but it's so easy to remember.
I don't know about the easy to remember part. It is for me but probably not for pageknight. And asking if I liked Watership Down WAS a stupid question.
I know! That was half the reason I asked.
You and me are in pod C!!!! Ask me who else is!!
Who else?
I meant names. Sorry. Have you checked yet?
NO, I haven't.
You haven't yet??!!? it has been posted since Friday the 25. I think that is the date. Well.. Ashley is. She is one person. Ask me with names so I do not have to name people you do not know. Nor I in some accounts.
I thought she would be. I really have no one else to ask about. I'll just see when I get there.
Ok. It is quite obvious who is in pod C. I won't say why, though. It might offend some people.
Yes, it might.
I saw some of the order of pageknight today at the open house. I saw sirsam, blade, and some others I do not remember the names of. (Usernames)
I saw you. Big suprise.
You sawe me?? I didn't see you.
Whoops!!! Saw not sawe.
not at the school, death, afterwards.
And I like your new blog, by the way. I hope it works this time.
It has been working!!! Knock on Wood! (I really did knock on wood!)
Cool. I'm glad it works.
you do know, if you use first names, people won't know who they are. Except for us.
I know. But still, I like to be VERY secretive. Or maybe the word is weird... Hmmm..
Yeah, death. Weird and secretive. I think both work fine.
(I think I'll just start saying that, because it won't let me put a name.)
Have you clicked Anonymous? Because if you click other, you can have a name.
No I can't. It works now, it just wouldn't then. It had the three choises in a column, and no matter which one I clicked on, it wouldn't let me have a name. It wouldn't let me type any thing there, either. It was weird.
Pageknight... Wait, NEvermind. He doesn't have that control! He is gone so we rule!! Not that we don't when pageknight is here.
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