We made it. Sorry I haven't posted in a long while, but I've been busy. (my fancy excuse for doing nothing) Be back.
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PageKnights is a book-reading blog dead-set on reviewing books, sharing books, ocasionally sharing movies, and just rockin' the online world.
At least you’re honest, pageknight. Me an' good old thethuthangdudeishthing (Sorry thing, I never can remember it. :) I now dub you thing.) have been active. Doing lots of things. Which of course does not involve planning to take over the site. *cough* So, pageknight, how was the great move?
Pretty good. By the way,
WHO IS THING? *deep breath*
sorry.Who is he/ she?
Also, thank you for keeping track of the website.
I'm thing. Figure it out.
Thing are you Alliso*? The star is for security purposes. *heh-heh*
Congratulations. You have finally figured it out.
Quite slowly I must add. Isn't it obvious?! Geez!!! And Alliso* isn't all that secrative. Good try though. Sorry I was gone so I could not reply for a while.
True, I'm not. I just don't talk to any one unless in the mood, or forced to.
I am confused. What were you answering to? Movement of the Leaves, I force you to talk!!!!
I was answering to your "she's not that secrative" talk. Isn't that obvious. You're almost as bad as pageknight. Almost.
I meant saying Alliso* wasn't that secretive. Not that you weren't. I thought that was obvious! Though you aren't even almost as bad as pageknight. (Sorry pageknight)
I was not saying that I was almost as bad as pageknight. I wasn't talking about myself. I was talking about YOU, Ginny. I said that YOU are almost as bad as pageknight, not me. And this simply proves it.
Okay, lecture over. You may now continue your previous doings. (I have a funny feeling I picked that up from you, Deathwriter.)
What is this "I'm not as bad as pageknight" thing? Also, there are a million Alisso*s in the world. I wasn't trying to be extra secretive, it's just now none of you can sue me for this Alliso* thing. *Hah-Hah*
And what do you mean, I'm not as bad?
I meant Deathwriter. I meant Deathwriter is not as bad as you. Why doesn't any one understand what I'm saying?
I know. I was talking about you. I used what you said about me to refer to you. And what you just said simply destroys what I said about you not being as bad as pageknight. And we are sorry pageknight. (Not really)
Confusing. Right? That is my goal in life. To confus them so they do not know what I mean and end up just agreeing wit me so they don't look dumb. Something like Captin Jack Sparrow. >o* That is a sparrow for your information.
Spotted Slug! {:::}~
Spelling Errors:
*confuss not confus
*with not wit
Oh, pageknight, my dad is a lawyer.
I'm sorry for destroying what you said about me not being as bad as pageknight. It sounded like you didn't know what I was talking about, but apparently you did. That's always good.
That is alright. Soon enough I will have to take it back.
That's cool.
Have you read The order? It is pityful.
The order of pageknights thing? Yeah. I approve everything you said, by the way, Deathwriter.
Does the qaulity really matter?
Yes, it does.
Qaulity doesn't matter. It isn't a word. But, quality does.
You're right, Deathwriter. I didn't notice it was misspelled.
I love correcting people!! Don't you? That is why I always check my spelling. Or most of the time.
I correct people in language. You'd be surprised how many people say things incorrectly. Or maybe not.
I wouldn't be suprised. I correct people too. One of my friends says funner a lot and it drives me insane!!!
Yes, me too, but I think it is correct. But don't go by what I say. i'm not sure.
Funner is slang for more fun. That is why everyone uses it. I think so at least. But I prefer to use the correct way!!
I am happy! I enjoy to be reminded that I am not the only one!
Yes, I know. Me too.
Yeah!!! GO US!!!
Yeah!!! GO US!!!
hey i'm sorry about the spelling, and if you haven't noticed, it's typical to spell things wrong obn the computer. soe ther
Oh it's fine. Except when you start spelling thing wrong on purpose and expect us to forgive you. Like now.
Post 42. I feel special.
I just got back from flute, and my teacher told me that I'm going to be bored in band this year. As if I didn't already know that. So. I guess I should do my homework now.
I have another reminder for you pageknight!!! Mrs. Sexton wants a letter!!!! Ashley told me that Mrs. Sexton told her, to say that to you!! Have fun decoding that.
No comma after 'her,' death.
It was appropriate for that post. It was confusing. And at this point I really don't care. I am disapointed to tell you.
It was appropriate for that post. It was confusing. And at this point I really don't care. I am disapointed to tell you.
Oh, well that's fine. If you know it was wrong... But now I sound like a teacher! I really don't care if you have a comma in the wrong place. I just felt like telling you.
That is alright! I am apt (former vocab word) to saying that too! School has done things to me. *involuntary shiver!* :)
Congratulations! You remember our vocab words.
Deathwriter, could you get her Email?
Ginny is cool! So is Tonks! Malfoy is evil! I like Dobby! And Fawkes! Lockhart is odd!
Don't ask.
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