I went to see a tour of my new school(on the 15th), and found out that I needed to read these three books by the 28th. I just finished the first book. It was called A Single Shard.
Its about this orphan (Tree Ear) in Korea who loves this potter's (Min's) work. One day, he's admiring the potter's work, he breaks something. Then, he works eight days, but he likes it so much that he asks to keep working. One day, the royal official comes to give out a commission to make pottery for the palace.
Anyway, a rival of Min's makes a new type of pot and gets the commission. The official comes to Min's house and apologizing saying, "I'm sorry, but the palace must see this new type of pottery. If you show me a work of yours like this, I will give you the commission."
Then, Min makes this new type of pottery and Tree Ear says he will take it to the faraway palace city of Songdo. Then he sets off to the city. Pretty good book, not my style. Later.
Odd book I think. How long is it? A 200 page?
No, its a really short book. Uhhh, (checking) about a 150. Large print, though.
What are the other books?
Sad... 150 pages in large print. How long would that normally take you to finish it? (Normally meaning not in school.)
See? See? I <3 that dragon!!! I might get a better one soon but for now..
I love your picture, death! It's great! Oh, and don't ask about the random change of names. i just felt like using that one.
All right!!! I like both your names!!!
Why thank you, Death.
You are welcome, thing!!!
Guess WHAT!!!!!!
You and me
Are in pod C!!!!
(Who cares about the grammer)
Hooray! I won't correct you, don't worry.
That would make sense.
Actually, it is a different account. I was testing to see if I could do that.
Okay. I don't exactly understand what you mean, but oh well.
Yeah, well, sometimes you just have to smile and nod. And this is one of those times. :)
Yes, I know.
the other two books are the homeless bird, (boring) and the remarkable journey of prince jen. Nice picture.
Thanks. I probably won't use one again. They bug me.
LOoKIe at my blog!!! I am sorry thing, but I do not know how to make it so people who do not have accounts can post. But I WILL figure out how to! I WILL!!!
That would be nice. It's okay, I know you don't know exactly how to work it. I wouldn't, either.
I will find out though anyway!!! There wasn't any questions asking "Would you like to allow anonymous or anything besides users?" Ilooked for something, but found nothing. Boof.
I did it!!! I did IT!!!! Go MEE!! GO MEE!!! I ROCK!!!! (My self-esteem just skyrocketed. Whoot!!) You can post now!!! Yeah!!!
I did clap.
Thank you, death! I clap for you (again).
I was just reading the comments to the Jolly Robert site and would like to remind you, pageknight(again), that you are not allowed to call me thing. So kindly don't. Then I won't have to waste my time posting things like this when I could be doing my homework (which I am avoiding, by the way) or reading. Or writing. Or sleeping. Or...I could go on.
I like the sleeping part. Ahhh.. Wonderful sleep. The thing I am deprived of as school goes on.
Thank you! I'm sleep-deprived during school, too. And I'm getting a cold. Or rather, I have a cold.
I am sorry to hear that thing. Oh and something to cheer you up: Here we go a caroling, TO COMPUTER LAB!!!! Da, da, da, DA, da, da, daa, ddaaa, daaa!!! Da, Da, DA, da, DA, DA, DDDDDDAAAA, da, da, da!!! Da, da, da, da, da, da, DAAAA, da,da,da,da,daaaa! YEAH!! Go mE!!
DA DA!! (Add before Yeah!!)
Thank you death! I don't have a cold anymore, but that song makes me happy. And hyper. Sometimes.
This is Thethuthinnang, by the way.
Good. Same here!!
Yeah. Your Venezuela song is stuck in my head right now. It is extremely annoying.
I can't remember it. :( I know it starts "Venezueeeeeela" and ends in "COme and be a Venezueeeelain!!" (Most likely not spelled that way..(Most likely not even a word. :])) Go MEEE!!
It's to the tune of La Cucaracha (I have abloutely no idea if I spelled that right). I don't feel like typing it here.
When I said it was to the tune of La Cucaracha, I only think it was.
Look at my inventive ways of keeping myself occupied; I'm talking to myself.
I do believe it is to the tune of....that song you mentioned. I will not attempt to spell it myself.
Thing, I know how you feel. Though I mostly hum and bonce to myself. :) Don't ask.
I do odd things too. I hum, but I don't bounce. I also amuse myself by reading annoying posts about which Agatha Christie books people don't like in which the people talking get off topic and tell everyone that they should just like all of the books she wrote no matter what, while I sit here wanting to tell them that it's just an opinion. Don't ask. That's what I was just doing.
42nd post for this topic! I feel special.
Venezueeeeeela! Venezueeeeeela! Why do you look so Paleeeea? Venezueeeeeela! Venezueeeeeela! Come and be a Venezueeeelain!
Somthing like that.
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