Jack was eleven when the berserkers loomed out of the fog and nabbed him. "It seems that things are stirring across the water," the Bard had warned. "Ships are being built, swords are being forged."
"Is that bad?" Jack had asked, for his Saxon village had never before seen berserkers.
"Of course. People don't make ships and swords unless they intend to use them."
The year is A.D. 793. In the next months, Jack and his little sister, Lucy, are enslaved by Olaf One-Brow and his fierce young shipmate, Thorgil. With a crow named Bold Heart for mysterious company, they are swept up into an adventure-quest that follows in the spirit of The Lord of the Rings.
Other threats include a willful mother Dragon, a giant spider, and a troll-boar with a surprising personality -- to say nothing of Ivar the Boneless and his wife, Queen Frith, a shape-shifting half-troll, and several eight foot tall, orange-haired, full-time trolls.
That is from the jacket of a 4 1/2 out of 5 book called The Sea of Trolls. It is a pretty good book, has some magic, cool creatures, and a few battles. I got it from a library and read it on the plane. (Planes are cool!) (except when you have to sleep in an airport!) A Bard, (read the first paragraph) is a magician, sort of like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, a wizard.
A Beserker is a Viking who would get himself worked up, drink a wierd liquid, temporarily go crazy, kill a lot of people, then go home. Strange, I know. Hey deathwriter! isn't it sort of wierd you and Thing are the only pageknights left (and myself, of course) ?
Deathwriter, don't forget to go on Jolly Robert.
Wow, that story sounded -slightly- familier. It has magic, interesting creatures, and battles. Sounds like Narnia. And Harry Potter. And anything else that has the same idea behind it. And also, Frith, or Frithrah, was the sun god (or something like that) in WATERSHIP DOWN.
Hey! don't forget to go on www.orderof.blogspot.com!
By Frith your right!!!!! I have decided to use that for ever and for always! And I will vist that site place. And I have gone on Jolly Robert.
I am currently reading Watership Down. I barely could take my face out of it. They are about to go to Efrafa.
Where is everyone????? I am annoyed that there are only three people on the site. The rest probably are on vacation. Odd.
Yes, I know what you mean. That book is addicting. Which time are they going to Efrafa? Is it the time when Hazel goes?
It is odd that every one is ignoring the site.
It is the time when Hazel goes. I was reading it this morning and I was stuck in it so badly I almost didn't practice French Horn! *gasp* And in the car a couple days ago my mom was talking to me and asked me where I wanted to eat and I hadn't heard one word. I was completly lost in that book. I have been lost in books before, but never this badly. *shiver* And I read till 10:30 last night. I would have read longer if my sister had not turned my light off. (I personally wish she still were at band camp.)
Oh, and I have decided I don't care that no one is one because that is 4 or more people not annoying me with Earth Moon stuff.
You almost forgot to practice? How dare you? Well at least you were reading.
That is when you really get to meet General Woundwort! Or, if I'm wrong, it is very close.
Yes, I agree, that would be very anoying.
I practiced French Horn!!!! I cannot wait to meet the General!
I might make another blog. These are my choices for names:
1.Muted Sanity (www.sanitybegone)
2.Fading Mist (www.fading)
3.Neverending Glory (www.glory4ever)
4. Suggestions? Revisions? Tell Me! Please reply to both my survey thingies.
Gosh, Ginny, don't make me choose! Deciding is my worst enemy! Well maybe not, but it's close enough.
I congratulate on your practicing. I have yet to practice today. With both instraments.
You MUST choose! You must choose!!
What can you lose??
Or at least tell me your top two.
I met thethuthinnang!!! And the General!!! I met Movement of Leaves!!!
I still have to practice today with both my instruments. I don’t want to practice piano.:`(
You met General Woundwort? Did you like him? Did you like Thethuthinnang and Hyzlenthlay (not sure if I spelled that right)?
I have a flute lesson at 1:15, so I should probably practice soon. I also have a piano lesson tomorrow (I think) and I have barely practiced all week.
Alright. I will give you my opinion, but don't expect it to give you an idea on which one to choose. I like 2, but 1 and 3 sound like you. There. That's my opinion. Don't say I didn't warn you.
My mother keeps bothering me about calling you to do something, and I'm so bored, I'm actually contemplating following her advice.
I kind of like the General, but then he is really evil so I don't like him. I think Hyzenthlay is awesome. I do not really know if I like the Thethuthinnang yet: I haven't really got to know that character yet.
I have piano tomorrow too. I haven't practiced yet. :->
I need to come up with what my site is going to be about first and then I will ask you again.
And you must be REALLY bored!!! lol! (laugh out loud)
Hey Pageknight! What do you think I should have as a picture? (A basilisk, dragon, cat, snake) And what do you think about site names?
I need more than one person to answer my questions.
Yes, you do, especially if the first person is me. I really am not good at making decisions.
Oh yes, I am very bored. I still haven't practiced piano and my flute lesson ended hours ago.
And I know what lol means.
I trust your decision more though. I had my piano lessons today and I am going to practice French Horn soon! I said what lol meant just in case you didn't know. I suspected you did, but was not sure.
That's cool. I trust your dicision more than mine, but that's just me. I had my piano lesson today, too and I think I'll practice flute later. I have an ortodontist appointment tomorrow. My wire broke. For the third time. But this time it's their fault, this time, though.
Ha! Take that, orthidontists!!! Hehehe!! Mwahhaha!
Spotted slug! {:::}~
And I don't know if you are all that smart to trut my desicion. Somethimes it can be a little, well, you get the idea.
Spotted Slug{:::}~
Those kind of sound like band names, deathwriter.
I will continue to trust your decision more than mine if you like it or not.
BAND NAMES?!! BAND NAMES?!? I am offended. What band would be smart enough to come up with those? I like to believe those are completely original. I do not listen to bands. I listen to Marching Bands. And Classical Music.
Thing, you can trust my decision more if you like but you have been warned. :K
Spotted Slug{:::}~
Okay, I have been warned.
They are not band names, they are original names that Deathwriter came up with (and yes, I know you just said that).
We rock, thing!
Hey pageknight, I noticed your profile resembles mine. And I do not like that. I said something for the question that basically meant what you put: No Clue.
And I put that I am weird insane person. And you put you were insane. It really irks me. And it is funnier when you come up with something rather than use someone else’s stuff.
Spotted Slug! {:::}~
Well, sorrrry!
Well, miss particular, I have made changes. Please read.
Much better! I feel as if I should rejoice!
i think that jack should stay with the berserkers
pageknight its me firewizard i no u from school
where is everybody?!?!?!?!?!
deathwriter i got this from u
spotted slug! {:::}~
ok im bored
Firewizard? You there? Deathwriter? thethuthinnang? Anyone?
You didn't call me 'thing' (for once)! Now I feel as if I should rejoice.
I read a book by the same author as that one. For a school project. It was good.
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