*sigh* go to http://www.emusic.com/album/10964/10964372.html . I think you can listen to the song, but I'm not sure. *sigh* Winter is awesome. But there is no snow out here. *sigh*
Friday, December 08, 2006
No. 25, Vol. 1-Winter
*sigh* go to http://www.emusic.com/album/10964/10964372.html . I think you can listen to the song, but I'm not sure. *sigh* Winter is awesome. But there is no snow out here. *sigh*
Saturday, November 25, 2006
No. 24, Vol.1-Lord of the Blogs
One Blog to rule them all, One Blog to find them,
One Blog to bring them all, and Pageknights bind them!
Excerpt from The Lost Blogs of Blogspot
'Tis the season to go on Pageknights,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
And read what Pageknight writes,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Give us all our books and measures,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
While you're at it, and our treasures,
Fa la la la la, laa ,laaa, laaaa, llllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Traditional Blog Carol
There is a blog, a merry old blog,
beneath an old grey screen,
But Pageknight turns its head like ale,
It turns white and very pale,
And falls upon the green.
A poem from The Fellowship of the Blog
In my own little bloggggg,
I can write foreverrrrrrrr,
In my own little bloggggg,
I can read my dreeeeams,
An excerpt from Blog Search: A Merry Musical
Hee-hee! I just felt like writing that!
No. 23, Vol.1-Time
Two things concerning time. Not that magazine with the red border. There is a 3 hour time difference between us and you guys. If the meeting is at 8:00 your time, I get on at 5:00. So on an article, if I say to go on to Pageknights for a meeting at 8:00, just go on at 8:00. I'll worry about the time difference.
I also wanted to say that this blog has been on for a solid half year! Yeah! Also, we finally broke 20 posts. Happy Half-year! Keep commenting!
No. 22, Vol. 1-Idea
Its been a long time, and someone's got to say it. The Pageknights have collapsed. Almost all contact has been broken, the meetings are permanently adourned, *sigh*.
But... I have an Idea. (I capitalized the I) A good Idea. We shall set up online meetings on a certain post and use the commenter to chat! Ha Ha! Brilliant! The Pageknights will not crumble and fall to ruin! *insert heroic music here* We shall Stand! And fight! The Pageknights are back!
Bad news, there are no online snacks. Oh well. We shall have the first online meeting on the second post. I need feedback as to when all ya'll are available to have a meeting.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
No. 21 Vol. 1- Update
No. 20, Vol.1- For British Eyes Only
This is the British library. AKA where I'm supposed to live. The place is huge! Gigantic! The architecture is awesome.
"The British Library Philatelic Collections are the National Philatelic Collections of the United Kingdom. The Collections were established in 1891 with the donation of the Tapling Collection, they steadily developed and now comprise over twenty five major collections and a number of smaller ones, encompassing a wide-range of disciplines. The collections include postage and revenue stamps, postal stationery, essays, proofs, covers and entries, 'cinderella stamp' material, specimen issues, airmails, some postal history materials, official and private posts, etc., for almost all countries and periods.
An extensive display of material from the collections is on exhibit and is probably the best permanent display of diverse classic stamps and philatelic material in the world. Approximately 80,000 items on 6,000 sheets may be viewed in 1,000 display frames; 2,400 sheets are from the Tapling Collection. All other material, which covers the whole world, is available to students and researchers by appointment.
As well as these extensive collections, the subject literature is very actively acquired, and makes the British Library one of the world's prime philatelic research centres."
That's from Wikipedia.
No. 19, Vol. 1-Magyk
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
No. 18, Vol. 1-Eragon
Totally awesome! I'm sure you've read it! Aw man! Cool! *sigh* It was awesome. I certainly hope those of you on this website have read it. If you haven't, go to the library and get it. Now. This moment. That's right, turn off the computer, and go see about getting it. The movie looks good except for the actor for Eragon the movie.
The story is set in Alagaesia , a midieval-type world. The land is ruled by a tyrant king named Galbatorix. Before Galbatorix took over, the dragon riders, warriors with magic that ride on dragons, kept the peace. Then one cocky Rider named Galbatorix flew into Urgal (a sort of Goblin creature) territory. As he rested, the urgals attacked. They killed his two friends, thier dragons, and his dragon. Galbatorix survived, but went crazy. He eventually went back to the riders, and they didn't see anything wrong with him.
When Galbatorix demanded another dragon, they finally saw his dementia. They refused, and Galbatorix swore to get revenge. He and twelve of his followers, named the Forsworn, destroyed the riders and captured three dragon eggs. Then one of the dragon eggs was stolen by the Varden, a rebel group. Dragon eggs in Alagaesia do not hatch until their destined master comes along. (I forgot to mention that the Forsworn were all killed one way or another be it by magic too powerful, suicide, or battle)
So the dragon egg that was captured was ferried between the land of the Elves and the Varden to give each a fair chance of hosting the new rider. One time, when the ferriers of the egg were bringing it to the Varden, they were attacked by some of Galbatorix's agents. Just before she was captured, Arya, one of the ferriers, sent the egg, using magic, far away.
It just so happens that it lands in the Spine, a treacherous area of mountains and woods. Eragon, who is one of the only people who hunts there, finds the egg and takes it home. I know this next sentence is used in every book review, but... To know what happens next, you'll just have to read it.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
No.17, Vol.1-A Single Shard
I went to see a tour of my new school(on the 15th), and found out that I needed to read these three books by the 28th. I just finished the first book. It was called A Single Shard.
Its about this orphan (Tree Ear) in Korea who loves this potter's (Min's) work. One day, he's admiring the potter's work, he breaks something. Then, he works eight days, but he likes it so much that he asks to keep working. One day, the royal official comes to give out a commission to make pottery for the palace.
Anyway, a rival of Min's makes a new type of pot and gets the commission. The official comes to Min's house and apologizing saying, "I'm sorry, but the palace must see this new type of pottery. If you show me a work of yours like this, I will give you the commission."
Then, Min makes this new type of pottery and Tree Ear says he will take it to the faraway palace city of Songdo. Then he sets off to the city. Pretty good book, not my style. Later.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
No.16 Vol.1-The Sea of Trolls
Jack was eleven when the berserkers loomed out of the fog and nabbed him. "It seems that things are stirring across the water," the Bard had warned. "Ships are being built, swords are being forged."
"Is that bad?" Jack had asked, for his Saxon village had never before seen berserkers.
"Of course. People don't make ships and swords unless they intend to use them."
The year is A.D. 793. In the next months, Jack and his little sister, Lucy, are enslaved by Olaf One-Brow and his fierce young shipmate, Thorgil. With a crow named Bold Heart for mysterious company, they are swept up into an adventure-quest that follows in the spirit of The Lord of the Rings.
Other threats include a willful mother Dragon, a giant spider, and a troll-boar with a surprising personality -- to say nothing of Ivar the Boneless and his wife, Queen Frith, a shape-shifting half-troll, and several eight foot tall, orange-haired, full-time trolls.
That is from the jacket of a 4 1/2 out of 5 book called The Sea of Trolls. It is a pretty good book, has some magic, cool creatures, and a few battles. I got it from a library and read it on the plane. (Planes are cool!) (except when you have to sleep in an airport!) A Bard, (read the first paragraph) is a magician, sort of like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, a wizard.
A Beserker is a Viking who would get himself worked up, drink a wierd liquid, temporarily go crazy, kill a lot of people, then go home. Strange, I know. Hey deathwriter! isn't it sort of wierd you and Thing are the only pageknights left (and myself, of course) ?
Friday, August 04, 2006
No.15, Vol.1-Cali-forni-yaa
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
No.14, Vol.1-Walls of Red
Redwall is absolutely awesome! I love one book called the Pearls of Lutra. Here's a summary.
The Pearls of Lutra begins just outside Redwall Abbey, where a young hogmaid named Tansy has been sent to gather herbs for Sister Cicely, with her young friend, Arven, keeping her company. A couple of hours after Tansy leaves the Abbey, the weather takes a turn for the worse, and it begins to rain. The two friends take shelter in a nearby cave, and Tansy soon finds herself looking for Arven, after the young squirrel runs off."Tanzeeeeee!" the dibbun's cries of despair are repeated, over and over, until Tansy finds Arven... standing next to a ferret's skeleton.
Meanwhile, on Sampetra Isle, Emperor Ublaz reigns, holding the title of Mad Eyes, because of his hypnotic stare. Mad Eyes commands hundreds of tropical lizards, and trident rats. Yet Ublaz yearns for one thing more -- The Pearls of Lutra! He has already murdered the otter tribe, Holt Lutra, to gain them. Yet the rat he sent to fetch the pearls has not returned.
His one great mistake was taking Grath Longfletch, daughter of the tribe leader, for dead. For she is not dead. Grath Longfletch will be known for season's to come, killing searats like a madbeast, with her reknowned green-flighted arrows. Having stolen a longboat from a small group of searats, she begins her quest to the Southern region of Mossflower, in pursuit of the searats who killed her family.
Martin the Second, son of Mattimeo, has left Redwall Abbey to inspect the skeleton. With the corpse, was found a spoon which had belonged to Fermald the Ancient, an elderly Redwaller who had passed away several seasons before. But not long after Martin and his companions return to the Abbey with the spoon, Ublaz's army turns up at the gate, where he has tracked the Pearls....and here, the real adventure begins.
My dad went to England, and one of the things he brought back were 4 Brian Jaques (author of Redwall) books. The Outcast of Redwall, Triss, Rakketty Tam, and a Castaways of the Flying Dutchman book, The Angel's Command. Please check out http://www.redwall.org/.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
No.13, Vol.1-Jolly!
Everyone needs a little jolly. Jolly Robert that is. If you haven't seen it, go to www.jollyrobert.blogspot.com. Jolly Robert is merely there to humor you. If you haven't, please read the article star search! Gooodbyyyyyyyyyye!!!!
No.12, Vol.1- Star Search!
Hi. I bet you're on here because you have nothing crater to do! Any way, my sun ran away (and I've lost my moons) so I thought I'd write about it. At the sci-fi hall of fame, there are four top classics. In 4th we have 2001, A Space Odyssey. In a close 3rd we have Star Trek. 2nd is Star Wars. I know what you all are thinking. "What on Earth (or anywhere in the galaxies far, far away) could be better than Star Wars? Star Search, of course!
This absolutely wonderful play goes past the wild blue yonder. Critics call it "A cute little musical" "Two thumbs up!" and "An instant (ancient) classic!!" All the tickets were sold out for the special showing of the play at SHS. Directed by none other than star and director Mrs. Wylie. (Chop Suey, Chop Suey 2- Return of the Chops) and Mrs. Wilson, singing extraordinair (She sang "Hello, Mrs. Wilson").
The story is that of the planets who have lost their sun, ( He decided to take a vacation) and who could forget the moons who have lost their planets (starring 2 of our very own pageknights, Deathwriter and sirsam).
The musical left the audience agog. It included a guest feature by Mrs. Ramey singing "Its Such a Pleasure to Meet You", winner of 2 Grammpy awards. Other hits included in this play are "Solar Introductions", "Sunny Side Up", "Follow the Sun", and hit single, " In My Own Little Space (I can be forever)" .
Also, another one of our pageknights had leading roll in the play(Earth). She sang a solo in hits, "Its Such a Pleasure to You" and "Follow the Sun". This play is rated PG for mild violence (Earth hitting Mars) language, (Earth Moon, Deathwriter, using words such as crater and yonder.) (GASP!) and thematic elements (those totally groovy headdresses).
Friday, April 14, 2006
No.11, Vol.1-Oldy
How many of us like Eyewitness? Or any non-fiction book for that matter? Oh well. Post a comment if you do. Sorry i didn't post earlier. Did you know that most people in the viking age couldn't read? This is why monks spent so much time making them. Of course, they would make the books ,with values of over $500 nowadays, then the vikings would come to pick them up.
These books were often written in Latin.
Anyway some guy came up with an easier language, and gradually people learned to read. To make a long story short, nowadays everyone reads cause they can.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
No.10, Vol.1-LAND-HO!
Pirates! The word that captivated millions of people in that age. Many pirates started as people in debt and went to sea to get rich. Many people think being on a pirate ship would be fun.
It was actually a living nightmare. Cruel punishments, cramped quarters, almost always there was a mean, cold-hearted captain. To boot, if you got captured, you would be hanged.
These criminals would often fly the jolly roger, and if the quarry would not back down, the pirates would fire cannon, and then throw grappling hooks to pull in the other ship. then they would attack, killing all except for the most important passengers. These they would use as hostages. The pirates would run off and spend the gold and valuables. Only Captain Kidd buried his treasure, but he soon recovered it. Oh yeah, on a book note, usually only the captain could read to go over charts and maps.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
No.9, Vol.1-Eye of the Liger
"What are you drawing?" "A liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. Bred for its skills and magic."
These famous words are branded into the very minds of over a million citizens. Trouble is, every one thinks it's stupid. But in the back of their skulls, these very people love it. It's just the fact that when the movie came out, relatives would come with it and say, 'This movie is awesome!' and friends would say it, and siblings would say it. Soon, the people have seen it so much that they are annoyed by it. In fact they feel interregated about it.
Soon, the people just shut it out of their minds forever.
If they would just go back and watch it in a year or so, they will love it. It is just a matter of over-usage. Tell people that, and they don't listen.
On a Wrik note, they actually have a liger. Several Ligers. These things are huge!(SEE PIC.1)
Friday, March 17, 2006
No.8, Vol.1-St.Patrick
I read Freeglader, to make a long story short, it was awesome! I also am reading Treasure Island. ( For some reason, I've become fasinated with ships and sailing.
Does anyone read the Land of Elyon books? Beyond the Valley of Thorns? Dark Hills Divide? Oh well. Sorry I missed so many days. (Me personally, I don't really like a Wrinkle in time)
Friday, March 10, 2006
No.7, Vol.1-Team Project
Well, this issue, we all pitched in,( the book club) since it is Friday, they are all at my house for the pageknights bookclub. Our usernames are sirsam, blade, kingarthur, thewize, KUNG-FU GAL, faery, joker, joker911, siberian, and last (but certainly least, drumroll, please!) BUM BUM BUTTITTYBUM! our lowly leader............................................................pageknight.
The chapters this week are to finish 4 and read 5.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
- Keeping the Promise It is supposed to be based on The Sign of the Beaver, but it is very off the main story and the book. Oh well. NEXT!
- Matilda At least they kept the title the same, but the story is even in the wrong country! In the story they are in England. But the movie is in America. The main character is supposed to be 5 or so. She's 8.
- Jumanji This is an exception. The movie rocked, wasn't cheesy, the acting was pretty good, but this is a list that talks about movies that weren't true to the book. The only thing wrong with this movie was that it had a completly different story.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
No.5, Vol.1-Some Books
Anybody read Lord of the Rings? Seen the movie? Dang. Well, if you haven't read it, you should. If its too long for you, watch the movie. If you can't watch the movie, then find the animated version. If you can't find the animated, go on the webpage. If you don't have a computer, never mind.
If you are a Narnia fan, you will be happy to know that they are making Prince Caspian a movie. Who here likes Redwall? Several Redwall websites are available, just try Redwall dot com or dot org or dot net.
Monday, March 06, 2006
No.4, Vol.1-FreeGlader
I was reading the Edge chronicles today, and I wanted to know what the new one was about. So, I looked it up on the web, and came up with this summary and a few images.
Rook Barkwater, librarian knight, and his friends make their way from Undertown, through the Mire and the Deepwoods, to a new home in the Free Glades. But that home is threatened by Hemuel Spume, Master of the Foundry Glades, who sees the area as a limitless supplier of slaves. Rook's friend Xanth is facing a Reckoning for the crimes he previously committed as a former Night Guardian, and his friend Felix, leader of the ghosts of Screetown, continues to disappoint his father, the High Librarian. To complicate matters, Rook loses his memory once again, after being caught in a sepia storm. The fast-paced plot is made up of an interconnecting set of story lines, populated by a bewildering array of creatures that meet in a spectacular last battle. In the epilogue, an elderly Mire Pirate connects all seven books with an explanation of Rook's family tree. This complex and well-worked-out fantasy world will be clear to readers familiar with the series.